Lotus Icon Azendus™ – PET SAMe

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Natural PET SAMe


Pharmaceutical Grade Active S,S Isomer

Gentle Plant derived enteric coating

200MG or 400MG – 30 Tablets

Healthy Liver Longer Live


Product Certificates

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Daily Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablets per day, or as recommended by your certified Veterinarian.   For pets over 70lbs/35KG take 1-2 tablets per day.

Azendus™ PET-SAMe supports the replenishment of S-Adenosylmethionine levels and balances the interactions of your pets liver health and detoxification.

Azendus™ PET-SAMe significantly increases the liver’s glutathione level.  This is critical because glutathione is the chief antioxidant produced in the liver, also known as the “super antioxidant”.   Age, stress, free radicals and environmental conditions can dramatically impact the liver’s health and accelerate the aging process. Azendus™ SAMe is converted into glutathione, thus having the therapeutic benefits for the liver to combat oxidative stress, cellular damage, free radical activity and DNA breakdown, allowing the body to detoxify.

Azendus™ PET-SAMe is formulated with pure Pharmaceutical Grade SAMe and Gentle Plant derived enteric coating materials.*



Serving Size: 1 Tablet

Servings Per container: 30

Amount per Tablet

SAMe (S-Adenosylmethionine)


SAMe (S-Adenosylmethionine)


* Percent Daily Values are based on 2,000-calorie diet.

Other Ingredients:  Microcrystalline Cellulose, Crospovidone, Colloidal Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate

Enteric Coating:  Ethylcellulose (Plant Source), Medium Chain Triglycerides (Vegetable Source), Oleic Acid (Vegetable Source), Hypromellose, Talc, Hydroxypropl Cellulose, Sodium Alginate (Plant Source), Purified Stearic Acid

Allergenic Ingredients:  No sugar, no starch, no artificial flavors, no preservatives, sodium free, no wheat, no gluten, no corn, no soy, no dairy, yeast free, no lactose, no artificial colorant..


Distributed by:  animal V, Inc, Lewes, DE 19958




Keep out of reach of children and pets.  Store in a cool, dry place.


Tamper resistance blister card. Azendus™ PET-SAMe tablets should be kept in the blister card until your pet takes them.  Do not use tablet, if the blister card compartment for that tablet has been tampered or compromised.

WARNING: Please consult your certified and knowledgeable healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement.  Keep out of reach of children.  Do not use if blister card is compromised.



  • Supports normal healthy liver function and homocysteine levels
  • SAMe’s extraordinary capacity to support and enhance liver function
  • SAMe is thought to be beneficial for those with liver disease by acting as a precursor of antioxidant glutathione; repairing the mitochondrial glutathione transport system; inhibiting the toxic effects of proinflammatory cytokines; and increasing DNA methylation.
  • There are nearly a thousand published studies documenting SAMe’s ability to support liver health.
  • SAMe metabolism supports the synthesis of glutathione (GSH) and glutathione-dependent enzymes (glutathione peroxidase and glutathione-S-transferase), which are substances important for liver function, including phase II detoxification.*




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Pets are family members and deserve the best possible forms of nutrition and supplementation.   We realize that our pets are subject to constant environmental stresses such as air, water and land pollution.   The liver often has to work overtime to deal with factors such as agricultural chemicals and heavy metals(lead, arsenic and mercury) in foods, over chlorinated water in municipal waters supplies, exhaust fumes from passing cars and truck, unfortunately the list goes on and on. Many conscientious pet owners take their companions in for regular wellness exams, including organ function tests. As pet owners ourselves we are often concerned when our veterinarians alert us to changes in blood tests and liver enzyme levels, especially for aging dogs and cats. Most knowledgeable pet guardians are very aware of how important liver function is to their animal’s health, longevity, and quality of life.

Changes in liver enzyme values from one blood test to the next are actually quite common, and elevations in liver enzymes do not automatically indicate organ disease. While any abnormal value should be addressed, there are several factors to consider when reviewing test results. These include which liver values have increased, how much they have increased, and how long the elevation has persisted. This is one reason to ask your veterinarian to go over the test results with you in the exam room, or ask for a copy of the results and review them at home, adding them to your pet’s medical file so you can compare them to future test results.

There are a number of blood serum chemistry values your veterinarian uses to determine how well your dog’s or cat’s liver is functioning. The values most commonly measured include:

  • ALP (alkaline phosphatase)
  • ALT (alanine transaminase)
  • AST (aspartate transaminase)
  • Bilirubin
  • Albumin

[learn_more caption=”Elevations in Alanine Transaminase (ALT)”] If your pet’s ALT level is elevated, it’s cause for concern. ALT is produced inside liver cells and the only way it can reach the bloodstream is through a ruptured cell. Elevated ALT values (without elevation in other markers) may indicate significant issues in regards to liver health.

However, the liver has regenerative powers, so slightly higher than normal rates of cell death, or short periods of significant cell death, may be resolved by the liver’s ability to regenerate tissue. As a general rule, veterinarians consider that ALT values two to three times normal warrant further investigation, while lower elevations in a clinically normal animal can be closely monitored through regular rechecks.

Also, ALT is present in intestinal as well as liver cells, so a serious GI disease can cause mild elevations in this enzyme.[/learn_more]

[learn_more caption=”Elevations in Aspartate Transaminase (AST)”] AST is a more sensitive marker, but less specific than ALT for identifying liver disease. AST is found not only in the liver, but also in the skeletal and cardiac muscles, so it’s important to investigate the source of any elevation in this enzyme.[/learn_more]

[learn_more caption=”Elevations in Bilirubin”] An elevation in a pet’s bilirubin level may be a sign that several significant and life threatening issues could be occurring, including liver or obstructive gallbladder disease. If the animal is sick, immediate diagnosis and treatment is required. Bilirubin is a pigment released when red blood cells die off. In a healthy animal, bilirubin is produced more or less continuously as old blood cells are replaced with new ones, and the liver is able to clear the waste pigments.

In some animals with normal liver function, a disease that causes rapid destruction of red blood cells may elevate bilirubin. While the liver may be healthy, the disease causing the death of red blood cells (including auto immune issues, heavy metal accumulation, toxins, parasites or infectious disease) needs to be immediately diagnosed and treated.[/learn_more]

[learn_more caption=”Low Levels of Albumin”] A low albumin level in a dog or cat can also signal liver failure. Albumin is a blood protein produced by the liver, and a low level can also point to potential kidney disease, malabsorption of nutrients from food, intestinal disease, or inadequate nutrition.

Low albumin should be investigated, especially in pets that appear well nourished.[/learn_more]

[learn_more caption=”Diagnosing Liver Disease”] The liver has tremendous regenerative capacity and the ability to adequately function even when it is sick, so an elevated blood ALT or AST level does not necessarily correlate to the relative “sickness” of the liver. That’s why these values, while important, does not give a complete picture of the health of the organ. In fact, ALT and AST elevations can be quite minor in animals with end-stage liver disease.

In light of this, it’s important to never rely on a single ALT or AST value to arrive at a definitive diagnosis or prognosis. Increased ALT or AST values should be rechecked regularly, along with other markers of liver disease and liver function.

Since a definitive diagnosis of liver disease often requires a biopsy, many veterinarians faced with abnormal liver values in a pet, first try to rule out non liver-related diseases that might contribute to the abnormal values.

Abnormal liver enzymes signal there is liver damage occurring, but they are not a measure of liver function or health. The two-part blood test that measures liver function is called a Bile Acids Test, and it is the test that is recommended by veterinarians if liver enzymes continue to climb, or if the patient is symptomatic.

If all other potential conditions are eliminated, the next step is typically to do an ultrasound exam of the liver, the gallbladder, and surrounding tissues.

If your pet is seriously ill and/or other diagnostic tests return ambiguous results, unfortunately, a liver biopsy may be the only remaining option to accurately diagnose your four-legged family member’s condition, and evaluate available treatment options. Try to avoid this invasive procedure if possible, but sometimes it’s the only way to diagnose certain liver diseases.[/learn_more]

[learn_more caption=”Recheck, Recheck, Recheck”] If your pet is not showing any signs of illness and mildly elevated liver enzymes are identified on routine bloodwork, your vet may suggest offering a means of liver detoxification, including milk thistle, Azendus PET SAMe, Phosphatidyl choline, NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) or SOD (superoxide dismutase). Hopefully, he or she will also address potential external causes of liver stress, including air, water and food contaminants, environmental chemical and toxin loads, infectious diseases, unnecessary vaccine stress, and parasite infestations. Sometimes a temporary liver detox diet can be of benefit.

If your pet has no symptoms of disease and you opt to provide a holistic liver support protocol, rechecking liver enzymes to ensure they have returned to normal is important for your peace of mind and to identify progressive liver disease before a crisis occurs. If your pet is ill, identifying the root cause (including infectious disease, metal accumulation, degenerative, inflammatory or immune-mediated disease or a congenital/structural problem) will allow your vet to formulate the best treatment protocol as early as possible, giving your furry friend the best chance for a speedy recovery and a good quality of life.[/learn_more]

[learn_more caption=”Importance of Liver Detoxification”]

Age, stress, injury, and a host of other contributors can result in less-than-optimal detoxification for your pet. Sometimes the build up of toxins simply becomes too great for your pet’s body to handle.

If toxins and waste cannot be removed through normal detox processes, several problems can arise, including:

  • Your pet’s body attempts to remove the excess toxins through his skin, resulting in itchy, scaly, and dry skin.
  • Your pet’s body tries to shed toxins and waste through mucous membranes, leading to eye discharge, teary eyes, or a runny nose.
  • Your pet’s body stores the overload of toxins to be handled later.

Toxins and unwanted waste that is not removed can remain and build up in your pet’s body and can potentially lead to less-than-optimal health.

The nutrients that assist the detoxification process can become depleted when your pet is under stress, exposing her body to even more potential damage from environmental factors.

As threatening as all this sounds, there are natural ways to support your pet’s normal detoxification processes and promote optimal health.  Azendus PET SAMe is one alternative recommended by many vets.


[learn_more caption=”Does my dog have liver disease?”]

The signs of liver disease can be very similar to those of other conditions. If you notice any of the following signs in your dog, contact your veterinarian for a complete examination. Symptoms to look out for include:

  • Poor or loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Jaundice (yellowing of skin and whites of eyes)
  • Increased thirst
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Changes in behavior
  • Excessive drooling
  • Lack of energy or depression

Other possible signs of liver disease in dogs include dark-colored urine, pale gums or a buildup of fluid in the abdomen that could be mistaken for sudden weight gain. Your veterinarian can administer tests to diagnose liver disease.

Pet SAMe Diagram

IMPORTANT: The signs of liver disease are not very specific, making it difficult to recognize. If your dog is not eating, consult your veterinarian immediately.


[learn_more caption=”The importance of Azendus PET SAMe”]

If your dog is diagnosed, you may be wondering how to take care of your dog with liver disease. Treatment of any hepatic disease is aimed at resting the liver and minimizing those functions that have to do with metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and drugs. Controlling nutritional copper intake may benefit dog breeds predisposed to accumulate toxic levels of copper in the liver. Low-dose of 25mg zinc, such as Gluzin ( is a good natural source to block excess copper absorption.

The liver has an amazing ability to repair and regenerate itself, and therapeutic supplementation plays a vital role in this process. Azendus PET SAMe supports liver function and detoxification as the liver heals.

For accurate diagnosis and therapeutic support options, always consult your veterinarian for your pet’s liver health.


[learn_more caption=”Questions to Ask Your Veterinarian on Liver Disease”]

  1. Are there any foods I should avoid giving my dog to ensure a healthy liver?
    • Ask how human food can affect your dog’s health.
  2. Would you recommend Azendus PET SAMe for my dog’s liver health?
    • Ask about special nutritional concerns for your dog
    • How much / how often you should feed the recommended food to your dog
    • Discuss which treats you can feed your dog with the recommended food
  3. How quickly should I expect to see signs of improvement in my dog’s condition?
  4. Can you provide me with written instructions or a handout on liver health?
  5. What is the best way (email/phone) to reach you or your hospital if I have questions?
    • Ask if you need a follow-up appointment.
  6. Ask if a reminder email or notice will be sent.
